
What is the meaning of "Mei Matzor Sha'avi Lach"?


Rashi: When enemies come to besiege a city, people of the city gather much water in it in barrels to drink during the siege, if they do not have pits [of water].


Radak: Do all that you can - it will not help you. Malbim - the verse mocks their efforts to strengthen their fortresses and take refuge in them. One who wants to take refuge in a fortress needs to prepare an abundant amount of water. You do not have this - rather, draw water for the siege, a small amount in Kelim. Also, it will not last long; it will spoil.


What do we learn from "Chazki Mivtzarayich"?


Malbim: Your fortresses are not strong.


Why does it say "Bo'i va'Tit v'Rimsi va'Chomer"?


Rashi: Mix the water in mud to make bricks to strengthen weaknesses in the walls. Radak - v'Rimsi va'Chamor is a repetition.


Malbim: Tit (mud) is not proper for bricks; they crumble. Rather, they are made from Chemar mortar. Since you have no Chemar, trample the mud to make it strong like Chemar


Why should they hold the Malben?


Rashi: Hold in your hands the frame to make bricks in it.


Radak: Malben is the furnace in which they make bricks.


Malbim: Since you use Tit, and not Chemar, you must hold the mold well lest the brick crumble.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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