
What is the meaning of "ha'Sipol Tzipor Al Pach ha'Aretz u'Mokesh Ein Lah"?


Rashi: If a bird falls on a net on the ground, and there is no snare 1 ? (refer to 3:5:2:1).


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: A bird, which is not under man's control to seize it ? will it fall in a net if there is no snare? Man, via strategy and cunning, can make a bird, which is above him, fall. I am above you, and you are below, in My hand. You have no Chachmah against Me. How can you be saved from the snare that I decreed against you, to trap you in it?! The Mokesh is the enemy that I will command to come against you.


Malbim: When a bird flying above falls into a trap, surely there is a snare to trap it.


Malbim (Yeshayah 8:14, Bi'ur ha'Milos): Pach is a trap that does not damage. Mokesh damages; it is what traps the prey.


Why does it say "ha'Ya'aleh Pach Min ha'Adamah [v'Lachud Lo Yilkod]"?


Rashi: Will the net rise from where it was placed, unless the bird was caught in it?! When it wants to flee it uproots the net and lifts it a little from its place ? it is already trapped! I.e. can you transgress, and it will not be a snare in which you are caught?!


Radak: This is another Mashal. The enemy will not depart from you empty (without killing or taking captives).


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Do not think that after the enemy comes, he will depart, for he will not depart from you until he takes vengeance from you, for I will stand him up to pain you!


Malbim: When we see the trap rise, surely it trapped something! This is an introduction to verse 13 and onwards ? Yisrael were trapped in the hand of Melech Ashur. There is a reason why he was the snare!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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