
Did the wind truly carry him?


Radak: This was in a prophetic vision. This is like it says above (12) "va'Tisa'eni Ru'ach." Since it interrupted to discuss the noise, it repeats to say that a wind took him. Also below it says "v'Ru'ach Nesa'asni va'Tevi'eni Chasdimah El ha'Golah ba'Mar'eh b'Ru'ach Elokim" (11:24), and all that is written until that verse, all was in a prophetic vision. Also coming to the Golah in Tel Aviv and dwelling there seven days dumbfounded, and after seven days the Dibur returned to him, and going to the valley, taking a brick, lying on his side, taking wheat and a sharp sword, all of these were in a prophetic vision. Similarly, "in the sixth year? I was sitting in my house" (8:1) and the entire matter until the wind took him to Kasdim, was in a prophetic vision. He was not authorized to speak to them and rebuke them until that time - "va'Adaber El ha'Golah?" (11:25).


Malbim: Yes. First Nesa'asani (it lifted him in his place), and afterwards va'Tikacheni (it brought him from this place).


What is the meaning of "va'Elech Mar"?


Rashi: It was difficult in my eyes to contest my nation.


Radak: He was Mar Nefesh, like it says "ba'Chamas Ruchi."


Malbim: His Ru'ach was bitter, for he saw the evil that will come.


How was Yad Hashem strong on him?


Rashi: He forced him to go Bal Korcho (against his will).


Radak: It was the hand of Nevu'ah.


Malbim: It gave him great strength to do his mission. (He needed this, for he was bitter - refer to 3:14:2:3).

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