
What is the significance of "Kol Kanfei ha'Chayos"?


Malbim: This is when they lift their wings, which hints to conduct not based on the Ma'arachah, like I explained above (1:7).


What is the meaning of "Meshikos Ishah El Achosah"?


Rashi: They knock each other, and a song is heard then - "va'Eshma Es Kol Kanfeihen" (1:24). Radak - so translated Yonasan 'Nakshan Chad l'Chad.' This is like "Da l'Da Nakshan" (Daniel 5:6).


Radak: They touch each other, like it says "Choveros Ishah El Achosah" (1:9).


Is "v'Kol Ra'ash Gadol" another sound?


Radak: No. It means that the noise was great. The repetition teaches that they traveled quickly; the Ofanim make noise when they go. Also "Kol Kanfei ha'Chayos" was very loud, like I explained above (refer to 1:7:1:5). Now [Hashem] resolved to reverse thrones and agitate nations. This was not based on the Ma'arachah, rather, due to Hashgachah. The Chayos received this power from above, via their wings. They touch them to each other - this brings down influence and power to below, like I explained above (1:23).


Malbim: This refers to the power that they received to make thunder, noise, war and great noise.

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