
Will only "Sar Chamishim" be removed?


Radak: All the more so, judges over 1000 and 100 [will be removed].


Radak (citing Chagigah 14a) #1: This refers to one who knows to argue about [how to expound] the five Chumashim.


Radak (citing Chagigah 14a) #2: This teaches that we do not appoint a translator over the Tzibur [to translate the Chacham's words] is he is less than 50 years old.


Malbim: This is anyone with authority.


Who is "Nesu Fanim"? 3.


Radak: He is honored due to his great wealth and grandeur.


Radak (citing Chagigah 14a): It is one for whom they show favoritism to his generation, like R. Chanina ben Dosa above (in Shamayim), and R. Avahu below, in Kisari.


Malbim: He does not rule, but people heed his words due to his honor. This is a smaller support than Sar Chamishim.


What is "Yo'etz"?


Rashi (from Chagigah 14a): He knows [when] to make leap years and to fix the months 1 .


Radak: It is one who knows ways of the world, and inter-personal affairs.


Radak citing the Rambam: His counsel is proper in matters of customs, but he does not understand 'Shum Sechel.'


Malbim: It is one who sits at the head of the kingdom, and oversees matters of the nation. There are great and small Yo'atzim - big and small supports.


When they used to fix Rosh Chodesh based on witnesses who saw the new moon, Beis Din can reject the witnesses based on calculation of when the Molad was, coerce them not to testify (if they have reason to make the month full), and even coerce witnesses who did not see it to testify (if they have reason to make Adar or Elul Chaser - Rosh Hashanah 20a). (PF)


Who is "Chacham Charashim"?


Rashi: When he begins [saying] Divrei Torah, everyone becomes like deaf-mutes (they have nothing to say). Radak (citing Chagigah 14a) this is Charashim. Chacham is one who makes his Rebbeyim wise.


Radak: It is one who engages in Chachmos, acquires them and knows them. "Charashim" has the grammatical form of Chachamim. It refers to thought, like "Al Tacharosh Al Re'acha Ra'ah" (Mishlei 3:29). The primary Chachmah is in thoughts of the heart. Chacham is Samuch to Charashim, to show that he is Chacham over other Chachamim, i.e. he has Talmidim who are Chachamim.


Radak citing the Rambam: He has Chachmos attained via action.


Malbim: It is a Chacham who 'plows' in the field of investigation, and in Chachmah of crafts - "Meleches Charash v'Choshev" (Shemos 35:35).


Who is "Nevon Lachash"?


Rashi: It is proper to hand over to him secrets of Torah that were whispered, e.g. Ma'ase Bereishis and Ma'ase Merkavah. Radak - so Chagigah 14a explains Lachash itself; however, he must have also the other four qualities (Yoetz, Chacham, Charashim, and Navon); Navon is one who understands a matter amidst a matter.


Radak: He is wise in the Chachmah of Ta'anah and Dibur. Lachash is what is said quietly - 'Divrei Chachamim [said] gently are heeded.' These four matters fix the city; without them, it is destroyed.


Radak citing the Rambam: He understands, has a clear nature, and he can finish matters with a brief explanation. This is even if he did not engage in Chachmah and did not attain Chachmos.


Malbim: He has a tradition for secrets and Segulos, e.g. to whisper to Chayos (so they will not harm, e.g. a snake-charmer). This is a smaller support than "Chacham Charashim."

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