
When is "that day"?


Rashi: It is in the future, when Hashem will return Yisrael to Him. Radak - there will be many who did not repent with all their hearts - "u'Varosi Mikem ha'Moredim veha'Posh'im Bi" (Yechezkel 20:38), "v'Heiveisi Es ha'Shelishis ba'Esh" (Zecharyah 13:9); the survivors will be humble and Kadosh, the opposite of in Achaz' days, that they were haughty and Temei'im.


Radak: Some say that it is in the days of Achaz and Chizkiyah, for the punishment was in the days of Achaz, and the survivors had good and honor in the days of Chizkiyah. About this it says "Tzemach Hashem li'Tzvi ul'Chavod" (4:2).


Why does it say "Yasir Hashem Es Tif'eres ha'Achasim"?


Rashi: He will remove their glory. They will not attribute their glory to the beauty of women's ornaments and lewdness. "Ha'Achasim" are the shoes on their feet, with which they would arouse lust like venom (refer to 3:16:6:1-2). Radak - it says "Asir mi'Kirbech Alizi Ga'avasech v'Lo Sosifi Legavhah Od b'Har Kodshi; v'Hish'arti v'Kirbech Am Oni va'Dal v'Chasu b'Shem Hashem" (Zecharyah 3:11-12). Now it teaches how all that they used to pride and glorify themselves with it in the days of Achaz, all will be Batel in the future. There will not be pride among men or women. "Ha'Achasim" are the ornaments that they put on their feet to chime them. Yonason translates Misnaya; perhaps this is a bell that hangs from the shoe.


What are "ha'Shevisim"?


Rashi: They are kinds of hairnets to adorn the head.


Radak: This is like ha'Shevitzim with a Tzadi, like "v'Shibatzta ha'Kesones Shesh" (Shemos 28:39); it is checkered.


What are "ha'Saharonim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Sivchaya. Radak - all of these (i.e. also ha'Shevisim - PF) are kinds of hairnets.


Radak: It is a Kli made in the shape of the moon (Sihara).

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