
Why does it say "woe to an evil Rasha"? Are some Resha'im not evil?!


Radak citing Kidushin 40a: One who is evil to Hashem and to people is an evil Rasha. One who is evil to Hashem but not to people is not an evil Rasha.


Rashi: [An evil Rasha] is evil to himself and to others.


Radak: [An evil Rasha] does not repent from his evil.


What do we learn from "Gemul Yadav Ye'aseh Lo"?


Refer to 3:10:2:1 and the note there.


Radak: In any case he will be paid for his actions - in this world or the next. Usually it is in this world, like you see with Yisrael. They stumbled and fell due to their evil deeds, and they justified the verdict.


Malbim: The evil that befalls a Rasha is not via an external reason. Rather, the Rasha himself is the greatest evil - "u'De'i u'Re'i Ki Ra va'Mar Azvech Es Hashem" (Yirmeyah 2:19). The punishment is what his own hands prepared for himself. It is the fire that will consume him.

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