What is the meaning of "mi'Kol Zenusah"?
Mahari Kara: It is the publicity of her Zenus. Malbim - even though they wanted to be covert, it became known.
Radak, from Targum Yonasan: It is being light in their eyes. Mahari Kara - it is written without a Vov, to show that it is not an expression of Kol (voice).
What is the meaning of "va'Techenaf Es ha'Aretz"?
Malbim (here and Melachim II, 23:26): She flattered to show externally that she is a proper woman who fears Hashem 1 . The nation repented when Yoshiyah found the Sefer Torah, but returned to sin in private - "v'Lo Yar'ah Bogedah Yehudah Achosah; mi'Kol Zenusah
This is unlike "Chanof Techenaf ha'Aretz" (verse 1). (PF)
What is the meaning of "va'Tin'af Es ha'Even v'Es ha'Etz"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It erred with serving stones and wood.
Malbim: This was covert, unlike Yisrael, which sinned on every high mountain. This is worse, for it denies Hashgachah.