
Why does it say "ha'Lo me'Atah"?


Rashi: If only you would repent from your evil and call me 'father'!


Radak (5, citing his father): Recently you called me 'father', when Yoshiyah repented and people of Yehudah with him - they were forced. "Lo Shavah Elai Bagodah Achosah Yehudah b'Chol Libah Ki Im b'Sheker" (verse 10).


Why is it written Karasi, and we pronounce it Karasa?


Radak: The Kesiv is as if Hashem calls to [Yisrael]. The pronunciation teaches that you should have called to me 'Avi', since I called to you 'Beni' via my Nevi'im. You see that rain is withheld - you should have repented, and called to me 'Avi Aluf Ne'urai'. 'Ne'urai' is the time of Yetzi'as Mitzrayim. Then Yisrael entered under the wings of the Shechinah, and were inaugurated in His Mitzvos and knowledge of His Elokus, like a youth who enters to learn, and we teach to him knowledge of the Torah and Chachmah.


What is "Aluf Ne'urai"?


Radak: My leader from my youth.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is my redeemer from of old.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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