
What is "Lev Shome'a"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: A heart that understands. And so he translated "Lehavin Bein Tov l'Ra."


Why did he call them "Amcha ha'Kaved"?


Rashi #1: Because they are many, they have many dealings, and they come for judgment. I do not have time to investigate their law.


Rashi (from Sifri Devarim 9): Their judgment is very weighty. If I will take from one and give to the other improperly, I mortally punished 1 him - "v'Kava Es Kov'eihem Nafesh" (Mishlei 22:23).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is numerous. The same applies to "Mikneh Kaved Me'od" (Shemos 12:38).


Another version of Rashi: If two Nochrim come to me for Din, and I take from one and give to the other improperly, I am not punished. If they are Yisraelim, I am mortally punished.

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