
If one loves Chachmah, why does his father rejoice?


Malbim: The Midah of love is planted in the Nefesh. If one uses it properly, it will be for love of Chachmah, Tov and Tzedek. If one loves Chachmah, his father rejoices - "Ben Chacham Yismach Av" (10:1). Afterwards Chachmah will enter his heart, and he will be a Ben Chacham.


Malbim (according to the Mashal): If one loves foreign Chachmos - this Sefer calls them Ishah Zarah, Nochriyah and Zonah - he will exhaust the Nefesh's wealth, which gathered from the laws of Chachmah.


Who is "Ro'eh Zonos"?


Sotah 36b: When Eshes Potifar enticed Yosef, Yakov's image appeared to Yosef, and said that if he sins, his name will be erased from the stones of the Efod (Ye'abed Hon), and he will be called a manager of harlots!


Rashi: He connects harlots to himself.


Rashi citing Eruvin 64a: It is one who says 'this teaching is nice - I will learn it; this teaching is not nice - I will not learn it. 1 ' Our verse supports this - it is the only verse in which Zonos is written full (with a Vov after the Zayin 2 ).


Malbim: One who uses Ahavah to love Zonos, he will exhaust his father's wealth.


Malbim: He loves Nochriyos - external Chachmos, and does not receive the laws of Chachmah with Emunah. Rather, he investigates them from his Sechel, and decrees what is good in the eyes of his Sechel, and what is not. He squanders great wealth!


Elsewhere it is written without the Vov, for then it is like Zenus. (PF)

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