
What cedars did Hashem's voice break?


Rashi: Kings of the nations - "va'Yar'em Hashem b'Kol Gadol... Al Pelishtim" (Shmuel I, 7:10), "mi'Kol Hashem Yechas Ashur" (Yeshayah 30:31), and at Matan Torah "Ki Mi Kol Basar... va'Yechi" (Devarim 4:33) - you heard and lived; other nations heard and died (Tanchuma Shemos 25). Radak (11) - we find that Nochri kings are called cedars - "Hinei Ashur Erez ba'Levanon" (Yechezkel 31:3).


Radak (11) #1: Hailstones 1 break the cedars.


Radak (11) #2: They are the powerful of the nations. It mentions Arzei ha'Levanon, for they are tall.


Malbim: They are literally the cedars of Levanon, when the storm was there.


Radak said that that lightning, thunder and hailstones come with the rain. Perhaps it says Kol Hashem due to the thunder. (PF)

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