
From where was Avraham redeemed?


Rashi: From Ohr Kasdim. Malbim - when he began to publicize belief in Elokim, he was alone among many nations of idolaters. They pursued and hated him, and cast him in the fire of Kasdim. Hashem saved him and redeemed him. So He will do to this nation of remnants - "Hibitu El Avraham Avichem


Who redeemed Avraham?


Radak: Hashem, who redeemed him, said to Beis Yakov


From whom will Yakov not be ashamed?


Rashi: From his father.


Radak: All of them are Beis Yakov. When there are Resha'im, it is as if their ancestor Yakov is ashamed of their sins, if he would be alive, like a Tzadik whose son went on a bad path. He is ashamed of his son's deeds.


Malbim: He will not be ashamed himself.


In front of whom will his face not whiten?


Rashi: His grandfather, for there is no Pesul in his bed (children). Radak - Yechevaru is like Chiver, the Targum of Lavan (white). One who is ashamed, his face whitens 1 . This is like Chazal say, 'ha'Malbin Pnei Chavero b'Rabim' (Avos 3:11).


Malbim: In front of others. Until now, others shamed him, saying that Hashem's Hashgachah departed from him.


Bava Metzi'a 58b: [After he blushes,] the red departs and he becomes white.

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