What do we learn from "Gozel Aviv v'Imo"?
Brachos 35b: Anyone who benefits from this world without blessing, it is as if he steals from Hashem and the congregation of Yisrael - "Gozel Aviv v'Imo... "Aviv" refers to Hashem. "Imo" refers to the congregation of Yisrael.
Rashi: One who makes the Rabim sin, he steals from Aviv (Hashem; he separates His children from him) and steals good from the congregation of Yisrael.
What is the significance of saying "Ein Pesha"?
Malbim: This is a Mashal for a flatterer. If one steals from his mother and father, this is the greatest evil. Theft itself is evil. Stealing from his parents is worse - in place of guarding his father's money and honoring him with his 1 money, he steals from him! Even so, the flatterer says 'there is no sin.' He will flatter and say so about the greatest sin.
Amora'im (Kidushin 32a) argue about whether a son must honor his father from his own money, or only from the father's money.
What do we learn from "Chaver Hu l'Ish Mashchis"?
Rashi, from Brachos 35b: He is a Chaver (colleague) of Yarav'am, who Hishchis (corrupted) Yisrael's devotion to Hashem.
Malbim: He is a Chaver of a thief, who perverted his way, and a Chaver of their destroyer, who comes to destroy the sinner and pay his punishment. He caused the punishment. How will he find grace?!