
What is the grammatical form of "Tzitzas"?


Radak: This is the feminine form of Tzitz; we find similarly Netz and Netzah. Tzitzas is not Samuch; rather, the Sov is in place of a Hei, like "Eglas Shelishiyah" (15:5) and similar verses. Because Tzitz was mentioned in masculine and feminine, it says "v'Haysah" and "Novel".


What is the comparison "k'Vikurah b'Terem Kayitz"?


Rashi: Bikurah is the ripening of the fig tree whose flower withers and falls. B'Terem Kayitz is when the other fig trees ripen. Because the former was first, [the seer] jumps on it and swallows it while it is in his hand. So "Hashem was diligent about the evil, and brought it on us" (Daniel 9:14).


Malbim: (a) Efrayim was exiled early (before Yehudah), like a fruit that ripens before its time (summer). One who sees the first fruit takes it, even if he is not the owner. (So strangers without any rights 'inherited' Efrayim.) Also refer to 28:4:3:3.


Why does it say "b'Odah b'Chapo Yivla'enah"?


Radak: Amidst his great desire for it, he swallows it immediately once it is in his hand. So the wealth and good of Efrayim, the enemy will quickly swallow it.


Metzudas David: He swallows it while it is b'Chapo, i.e. on the branch (before detaching it).


Malbim: He swallows it while it is still in his hand, before he brings it to his mouth 1 , and he swallows it whole, without chewing, because it is so dear to him. So Ashur destroyed Efrayim while they dwelled confidently in their land.


I.e. he moves his mouth to swallow it; he does not wait for his hand to bring it to his mouth (PF).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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