
What is the meaning of "Ki Katzar ha'Matza me'Histare'a"?


Rashi #1, Targum Yonasan: When I bring a hater against you, he pressures you, and you cannot suffice to do the work that he demands from you. When he spreads his sheet on you, it will be too short for one who spread his limbs on it.


Rashi citing Yuma 9b: This refers to Menasheh, who brought an idol into the Heichal. This area is too short for two colleagues to rule over it. Rashi - we can resolve this with the words of the verse. Why do I bring this punishment against you? Because the area is too small for Me to stretch out on it - "Hine ha'Shamayim


What is the meaning of "veha'Masechah Tzarah"?


Rashi: The noble that will rule over you, your place will be tight for him when he enters it.


Refer to 28:20:1:2.


Radak: Also Tzarah is a verb in past tense. The verse said that the sheet is too short, and he cannot spread his limbs on it. Similarly, one who lies down and covers himself with a narrow cover, he cannot gather his entire body under it. So Machaneh Ashur will spread over Eretz Yisrael, and the width of the land will be narrow for them - "Melo Rochav Artzecha Imanu'el" (8:8). Only Yerushalayim remained, and it was too small for all of them to enter.


Why does it say "k'Hiskanes"?


Radak: When he wants to be gathered under it, he cannot. Hiskanes is gathering, like "Nichei Yisrael Yechanes" (Tehilim 147:2).

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