
What is the difference between Pasuk 12 and Pasuk 13? When do we apply "ke'Erk'cha kein Yakum" and when do we apply "Veyasaf Chamishis Kesef Erk'cha alav"?


Rashi: Pasuk 12 refers to somebody else who redeems the animal, who pays the value of the animal to Hekdesh, based on the Kohen's evaluation; Whereas Pasuk 13 is referring to the owner of the animal (who has the first right to redeem it, and) who is obligated to add a fifth. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 65, who elaborates.


Why does the Torah use the double expression "ve'Im Ga'ol Yig'alenah"?


Sifra: To incorporate a woman and an heir in the Din of adding a fifth when redeeming their property from Hekdesh.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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