Why does it say "b'Lev Yam Gevulayich"?
Radak: In every direction there was sea [next to Tzor].
Malbim: Your beauty depends on your borders, in the heart of the sea. An island surrounded by water, the other islands in the sea demarcate its borders. Your beauty is via your neighbors. You became rich from all islands.
Who are "Bonayich"?
Rashi: They are your architects; this is an expression of Binyan (building).
Radak: The craftsmen who build your walls, towers and houses.
What do we learn from "Kalelu Yafyech"?
Radak: They made your beauty complete. They built the best, most beautiful buildings.
Malbim: Your builders strove to make your beauty complete. This was not due to yourself ? the builders and matters from which you were built were gathered from many nations and different places.