
What are "Mevo'os Yam"?


Rashi: They are ports. The boats come until the wall and the gates 1 . Many cities are on the coast, and they are not ports, for the boats cannot come close to them.


Radak: I.e. Mevo'os Yam are places to which one enters via the sea.


What is "Rocheles Amim"?


Rashi: Merchants used to come to it ? this from the north and this from the south, and they were not allowed to do business with each other. Rather, residents of the city buy from this one and sell to this one.


Malbim: All commerce boats come to there and leave their merchandise. Via this, you are the Rochel (peddler) to many islands. A Rochel buys from a great merchant, and brings [his merchandise] from place to place to sell it to others ? so you do!


What is the significance of saying "Ani Kelilas Yofi"?


Rashi: Until now, everyone said that Yerushalayim is "Kelilas Yofi" (Eichah 2:15), "Mesos Kol ha'Aretz" (Tehilim 48:3). Now, you are haughty to say "Ani Kelilas Yofi" ? the ultimate beauty is in me.


Radak: You praise yourself, that you are complete with every beauty.


Malbim: You say that your beauty is due to yourself. This is Sheker! Refer to 27:4:1:2, 27:4:3:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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