
Verse 19 already said "Cho Amar Hashem." Why is this repeated?


Malbim: There were two Nevu'os. (a) The remaining Kelim will go to Bavel. (b) On the day of redemption, they will be returned from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael. The first Nevu'ah was fulfilled with all the Kelim, like it says at the end of this Sefer. However, the latter Nevu'ah was fulfilled only with the gold and silver Kelim that were taken to [Bavel]. They were returned in the days of the first Koresh - 5,400 via Sheshbatzar ha'Nasi (Ezra 1:11). However, the pillars and bases were not returned, and also the copper Kelim taken. The first Nevu'ah is for the pillars, Yam... that they will be taken to Bavel. The latter Nevu'ah is for the remaining gold and silver Kelim. They will be brought to Bavel and returned to here 1 .


Malbim: This is why the first Nevu'ah says "Hashem Tzevakos", and the latter says "Hashem Tzevakos Elokei Yisrael." They were taken to Bavel because He is G-d of Tzevakos and rules like He desires. They were returned afterwards because He is Elokei Yisrael, and supervises over them with His love.

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