
What is the meaning of "Shot la'Sus"?


Rashi: The staff is made for [hitting] a horse.


What is the comparison to Kesilim to a horse and donkey?


Rashi: Afflictions are proper for a Rasha (just like these Kelim are proper for these animals).


Malbim: Animals do not have intellect to conduct themselves. They need a staff and halter. A donkey is more foolish than a horse; it does not understand via a staff, and needs a halter to stop it from straying from the path. Man has intellect and choice so he himself will go on the good path. A Kesil is estranged from the way of Chachmah due to his desire. He is like an animal - its nature conducts it, and not intellect. He needs a staff, like it. The staff and afflictions force him to go in the paved path.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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