
What is the significance of "Koreh Shachas Bah Yipol"?


Rashi: Bil'am gave counsel to Balak, and caused 24,000 Yisraelim to die. He came to Midyan to claim his wage, and Yisrael killed him.


Malbim: He himself will fall in the pit that he dug.


Why does it say "v'Golel Even Elav Tashuv"?


Rashi: He rolls a rock to a place where people will stumble on it, in the end he will stumble on it.


Rashi citing Agadas Bereishis 2: This refers to Avimelech - he killed his 70 brothers on one rock, and in the end he died via a rock - "va'Tashlech Ishah Achas Pelach Rechev Al Rosh Avimelech va'Taretz Es Gulgaso" (Shoftim 9:53).


Malbim: He rolls a rock to a place where it will harm his colleague - it will return to [harm] him.

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