
How did the 30 Amos length of the goats-hair curtains cover the width of the Mishkan?


Rashi: There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the exposed Amah of Kerashim on each side. Only the sockets were exposed.


Rashbam (9): There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the sockets, which the first curtains left exposed.


Like the veil of a modest bride (Rashi).


According to Rashi's first explanation (Refer to 26:4:1:1**), the one Amah (socket), according to his second explanation (Refer to 26:4:1:1 [Sifsei Chachamim])


How did the 30 Amos length of the goats-hair curtains cover the width of the Mishkan?


Rashi: There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the exposed Amah of Kerashim on each side 1 . Only the sockets were exposed. 2


Rashbam (9): There was one extra Amah past the first curtains, to cover the sockets, which the first curtains left exposed.


Like the veil of a modest bride (Rashi).


According to Rashi's first explanation (Refer to 26:4:1:1**), the one Amah (socket), according to his second explanation (Refer to 26:4:1:1 [Sifsei Chachamim])

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