
What is the meaning of "Mesim Bal Yichyu"?


Kesuvos 111b: Amei ha'Aretz will not be revived. "Refa'im will not rise" discusses those who Rifu (slackened) from Torah. Alternatively, "Tal Oros Talecha" (19) - the light of Torah revives only those who use it.


Rashi: Refer to 26:14:2:1.


Radak: The gods of the nations, that we did not turn to them in Galus, they are dead and worthless. There is no life in them. They are like the dead that will not stand - "mi'Mkomo Lo Yamish" (46:7).


Malbim: Yisrael, who gave their lives to sanctify Your name - should they die permanently?!


About whom did Hashem command to be destroyed without any remembrance?


Rashi: Amalek, via Your words "Ki Macho Emcheh Es Zecher Amalek" (Shemos 17:14).


Radak: The idols and those who serve them. He eradicated them from the world, until there is no memory of them. "Kol Zecher" is any remembrance, like "Kol Melachah Lo Sa'asu" (Vayikra 23:3) - any Melachah.


Malbim: Yisrael, who clung to Your Elokus and gave their lives for the Kedushah of Your name - should they perish without any remembrance?! It is proper that you revive them and show them Your salvation!

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