
Why did the Zekenim mention the episode of Michah?


Radak: They were Tzadikim. They told that Michah had a prophecy in the days of Tzidkiyah 1 that Tziyon will be plowed like a field 2 . And so it is written in Michah's Nevu'ah (3:12).


Malbim (17-19): Even though the Am already agreed that he does not deserve death, the Zekenim wanted to convince them that there is no reason to kill Yirmeyah to evade harm. Michah gave such a Nevu'ah, and they did not kill him. Rather, they repented and were saved!


Clearly, this is a printing mistake; it should say Chizkiyah, who heard the prophecy, prayed, and [due to this] Hashem retracted (verses 18-19). They judged Yirmeyah at the beginning of Yehoyakim's reign, before Tzidkiyah became king! Michah prophesized in the days of the false Navi Tzidkiyah ben Kena'anah (Melachim I, 22:23), but this Nevu'ah has no connection to Tzidkiyah! (PF)


This supports Yirmeyah's Nevu'ah. (PF)

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