What is "Tovas Sechel"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: She was knowledgeable.
Radak: Perhaps "Sechel" refers to investigation and understanding.
Kli Yakar: Most wives learn from their husbands' Midos. She understood not to learn from Naval's bad Midos.
What are "Ma'alalim"?
Malbim: They are action that stem from one natures.
Why does the Navi give their names and characters?
Radak: It foretells about the actions they will do.
Radak citing his father: His parents did not call him Naval. People called him so due to his lowliness.
What is "Chalbi"?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: He is from Kalev's house.
Refer to 25:3:5:2.
Kli Yakar: His primary name was Kalbi. (People called him Naval due to his lowliness.)
Why is his name written Kalbo, and we pronounce Chalbi?
Radak #1: It is written like k'Libo - his deeds were bad, just like his heart. Perhaps also the pronunciation hints to k'Libi - one who requested from him would say, he refused, like I thought [in my heart] that he would.
Radak #2: We pronounce it Chalbi - due to the lowliness of his deeds, he is attributed to a dog.