What are "Asuyos"?
Targum Yonasan: Tachbera. Rashi citing R. Klonimus - they are stuffed with fine meat and eggs. This is like it says in Pesachim (74a), he puts the feet and intestines inside [the animal]. R. Tarfon calls this Tachbera.
Radak: They are prepared and cooked. This is like "va'Ymaher La'asos Oso" (Bereishis 18:7).
What are "Me'ah Tzimukim"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are 100 clusters of dried grapes (raisins).
What are "Masayim Develim"?
Rashi: They are 200 rings of pressed figs.
Radak: Develah is dried figs pressed into the form of a loaf. They were 200 such loaves.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It was 200 Litra (about 100 kilos) of loaves of dried figs.