
How were the Lechem ha'Panim shaped?


Rashi and Ramban #1 (in Pasuk 30, according to the first opinion in Menachos, 94b): They were made 'in the shape of a box' with the two long sides removed, 1 the length of the loaf straddling the width of the Shulchan (each of the two rows of six loaves taking up half the length of the Shulchan). 2


Ramban #2 (in Pasuk 30, according to the second opinion in Menachos - Ibid.): They were made in the shape of 'a rocking boat' (like the letter 'v').


Like an upside-down 'Ches' (Sifsei Chachamim).


Oznayim la'Torah: Seeing as the width of the Shulchan was six Tefachim and the length of the loaves, ten, they were folded two Tefachim at each end. See Oznayim la'Torah, who grapples with the problem of how they could fold them after they were baked without breaking them.


What were the 'Ke'aros' and the 'Kapos'?


Rashi, Rashbam, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: The Ke'aros were two sets of forms into which the loaves were placed, one (made of metal) in which the dough was baked, the other (made of gold), into which they were placed on the Shulchan after they were baked. The Kapos were the two spoons (or small bowls) 1 into which the Levonah (the frankincense that accompanied the Lechem ha'Panim) was placed. 2


Hadar Zekenim: The Ke'aros were the bowls in which the bread was kneaded.


Known as Bazichei Levonah - each of which held a fistful of Levonah.


See Rashi who elaborates further.


What were the 'Kesavos' and the 'Menakiyos'?


Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos), Rashbam and Targum Yonasan 1 : The Kesavos were golden Kaniim (half-canes split lengthways) 2 which divided between the layers of Lechem ha'Panim, which fitted in grooves in the Menakiyos - three on top of each loaf [Rashi]) to support one layer of loaves; 3 whereas the Menakiyos were posts 4 that were erected along the length of the Shulchan that protruded way above it - in which they made grooves to hold the Kesavos 5


Rashi #2 (citing Menachos, 96b): The Kesavos 6 were the posts, and the Meanakiyos, 7 the golden half-canes.


Hadar Zekenim: The Kesavos were vessels from which they poured water onto the flour to knead it.


According to Rashi's understanding of Targum Onkelos - that 'Mechilaseih' (Onkelos' translation of "Menakiyosav") means 'contained' - since they contained the golden half-canes.


So-called because it has connotations of 'hollow - in Arabic, whatever is hollow is called Kasva' (Rashi).


To allow a flow of air between the rows of loaves, to prevent them from going moldy (Rashi). See Rashi for more details.


Shaped like forks (Rashbam).


Thereby preventing them from weighing down on the loaves beneath them and causing them to break (Rashi).


So-called from the expression 'Kasheh', because they caused the loaves to remain hard and not break.


So-called because they kept the loaves clean - by preventing them from going moldy.


What is the meaning of "Asher Yusach bahen"?


Rashi and Rashbam: It refers to the Kesavos, which covered the loaves like S'chach. 1


This conforms to Rashi's first translation of "Kesavos". Refer to 25:29:3:1.



Rashi writes that each post had six grooves to hold the Kanim that divided between the loaves. Five should suffice, since one loaf rested on the Shulchan?


Riva: The top groove held pegs that supported the spoon of Levonah on top of each stack of loaves. 1


Mizrachi: 'Six' is a scribal error. The text should read 'five'.


The Gemara in Menachos 97a states that there were fourteen Kanim - the top bread rested on two, the four loaves in the middle rested on three each, and the bottom bread rested on the Shulchan!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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