What does the Zer Zahav on the Shulchan symbolize?
Hadar Zekenim: It actually served the purpose of covering the thickness of the wood, since the gold-plating only covered the inside of the Shulchan, but not the top.
Refer to 25:11:3:1*.
Since the table is a sign of wealth and greatness - inherent in the term 'Shulchan Melachim" to describe the table of a wealthy person (Rashi). Hashem created the world in a way that it runs naturally. However, he never creates something out of nothing. Consequently, it is only when something remains on the table that Hashem's blessing takes effect, as we find with Elisha in Melachim 2, 4:2 and with Eliyahu, in Melachim 1, 17:16. And it is in this way that the Loaves on the Shulchan in the Mishkan served as a conduit for B'rachah for the whole of K'lal Yisrael (Ramban). Refer also to 25:25:1:2.