
Why does it say here only "El David"? Above (7:5), it says "El Avdi El David"!


Radak: Here, he sinned. Above, he wanted to build the Beis ha'Mikdash.


What is the meaning of "Shalosh Anochi Notel Alecha"?


Rashi from Targum Yonasan: [I put on you] one of the three. This is like "bi'Shetayim Tischaten Bi ha'Yom" (Shmuel I, 18:21) - one of the two. Radak - the end of the verse says "choose one of them."


Why does it say "Shalosh" (feminine)?


Radak: It refer to [one of three] Gezeiros.


Why did Hashem put on David one of three punishments?


Rashi: This corresponds to David saying that Sha'ul will die in one of three ways - "Hashem will strike him, or his day [on which he is destined to die] will come, or he will die in war" (Shmuel I, 26:10).


Malbim: Really, he deserved three punishments. If I impose punishment on you, there will be three. If you choose one of them, this is like willingly accepting afflictions with love, so one of them will suffice.

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