What is the meaning of "Ki Sachbot Zeisecha"?
What are the implications of the word "Ki Sachbot Zeischa"?
Sifri: It implies that a tree belongong to Hekdesh or to Nochrim is not subject to "Pe'ah".
What is the meaning of "Lo Sefa'er"?
Rashi: 'Do not remove its glory 1 (the last remaining fruit) - a proof that trees are subject to Pe'ah - Chulin 111b). 2
Rashi (in Chulin, 131b): The opposite to its regular meaning - like we find in Iyov 31:12, "u've'Chol Tevu'asi Tesharesh", which means 'And it would remove all My roots'). See also Oznayim la'Torah, who eelaborates.
See Torah Temimah, note 172.
Why does the Torah add the word "Lo Sefa'er Acharecha'"?