What are the connotations of "Ve'yerd mi'Ya'akov"?
Rashi #1, Rashbam, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'And a ruler (a man ? Targum Onkelos) will descend from Ya'akov?.
Rashi #2 (in Sanhedrin, 104b): ?And there someone will come who will break ? like someone who overpowers his friend to strike and to break him?.
Seforno: Each of Ya?akov?s descendants will rule over the nations. 1
As the Navi indicates in Zecharyah, 12:8 and in Michah, 5:7.
Who is the ruler besides David, who will emerge from Yisrael?
Rashi: Mashi'ach. 1
Rashi: See Tehilim, 72:8. See also also Ba'al ha'Turim.
What did Bil'am mean when he said "ve'He'evid Sarid me'Ir"? Which city is he referring to?
Rashi, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: He meant that Mashi'ach will destroy the remnant of the city ? Rome 1 (Edom ? Rashbam). 2
Ramban: Bil'am now prophesied that, after having destroyed all the sons of Sheis, Mashi'ach will leave no remnant in any city in the world. 3
Targum Yonasan: He meant that Mashi'ach will destroy the remnants of the wicked town of Constantinople 4 and lay waste to the rebellious city of Kisrin (alias Rome), the powerful city of the nations.
Rashi: As the Pasuk states in Ovadyah, 1:18. See Oznayim la'Torah, who cites various Pesukim and sources that Rome is the third loacation of Edom (Refer to 24:18:0.2:1). One of those sources is the Pasuk in Toldos Bereishis, 27:39 - regarding Yitzchak's B'rachah to Eisav "Hinei mi'Shemanei Yih'yeh Moshavecha", which the Midrash Rabah explains, alludes to Rome Another, is the Pasuk in Tehilim 137:7 "Z'chor Hashem li'Venei Edom es Yom Yerushalaayim", with reference to the destructon of the second Beis-Hamikdashm, which tradition attributes to Rome.
Rashbam: As the Pasuk states in Ovadyah, 1:18.
Ramban: With that, he concluded conveying Hashem's plans to Balak.
Which later became known as Istanbul (See Na'ar Yonasan).