
Why would one envy evil people?


R. Yonah: They have wealth, power and honor.


Malbim: They have success.


Why does he warn against envying evil people?


R. Yonah: First he warned against company of a Nochriyah (23:27-28). They he warned against coming amidst those who mix wine merely to improve the taste (30). Now he warns against envying evil people. All these are warnings to guard from causes of sin.


Malbim: It will make you want to do like their deeds.


Why does it add not to desire being with them?


R. Yonah: Do not seek their company, even if you see that you would profit monetarily from this.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Chanifus DH ha'Shemini): One who hears people speak Leshon ha'Ra or obscenity, or he sits among jesters and those who disgrace Torah and Mitzvos, and knows that they are stubborn and will not accept rebuke, therefore he is silent - even so, he will be punished. He should have answered them, lest they say that he is like them, and he admits to (agrees with) their words. You will bear their sin when you hear their evil words constantly, and you are silent.


Malbim: Do not seek love and brotherhood with them, even if you will not do like their deeds, in order to get benefit.

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