
Why did Eliezer tell them about the oath that Avraham had made him swear?


Rashbam: To inform them that he did not come to Charan due to a lack of women in Cana'an, but because he despised the Cana'aniyos and because he preferred those of his family.


Above (24: 3), Avraham said "Asher Anochi Yoshev b'Kirbo." Why did Eliezer say here "Asher Anochi Yoshev b'Artzo"?


Hadar Zekenim, Riva: Avraham could say b'Kirbo (which connotes that it is his land), for HaSh-m promised it to him. Eliezer feared to say it, lest they rebuff him - "veha'Kena'ani Az ba'Aretz"!


Malbim: He intended, even though I live in their land, and they should have precedence over girls of my homeland, still, my family has precedence due to kinship.


Ha'amek Davar: He does not forbid only those near him, rather, all girls in Eretz Kena'an. Eliezer made them think that the Shevu'ah was due to adamancy about Benos Kena'an. Rather, it was due to suspicion lest Eliezer take a nearby girl, to spare himself toil (refer to 24:3:6:4).



Rashi writes: "Do not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Kena'anim - ...Unless you go first to my father's house, and she is unwilling to follow you." This implies that in such a case, he would be allowed to take a Canaanite wife. How is this implied by the verses?


Gur Aryeh: We would expect the following verse (24:38) to say, '[I adjure you] if you do not take a wife from my family;' yet it puts the emphasis on the travelling - 'If you do not go...to my family." Avraham meant that Eliezer was to travel first to his family in Charan; only if they would be unwilling, was he to take a wife in any case [from the Canaanites].

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