What is the definition of a "Kedeishah"?
Rashi #1, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: A Kedeishah is a woman who makes herself Hefker and designates herself for prostitution'. 1
Rashi #2 (citing Targum Onkelos): A Kedeishah is a 'Jewish woman who has relations with an Eved Cana'ani'. 2
Ramban: "Lo Sih'yeh Kedeishah" is a warning to Beis-Din not to allow prostitutes to wait by the cross-roads with musical instruments (to attract the men) 3 or to open brothels. 4
See Ramban's objection to this explanation.
Rashi: Since there is no Kidushin with slaves, intimacy with them is Z'nus - See Rashi.
Ramban: As in Yeshayah, 23:16.
Ramban: Targum Onkelos agrees with this, only he adds slaves who are 'married' to Yisre'elim. The Sifri adds that some prostitutes cover their faces to be intimate with whoever comes - even relatives, like Tamar did ? See Bereishis, 38:14.
What is the definition of a Kadeish?
Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: A Kadeish is 'a male prostitute 1 who is designated and prepared to indulge in homosexuality'. 2
Rashi #2 (citing Targum Onkelos): A Kadeish is 'a Jewish man who has relations with a Shifchah Cana'anis' (who is compared to an animal - Rashi in Kidushin, 69a). 3
Rashi #3 (in Kidushin, 69a): A Kadesh is a man who throws-off his Kedushah and desecrates it - Rashi in Kidushin, 69a) and runs after prostitutes.
Ramban #2: It includes a prohibition against visiting a brothel.
Rashbam: A Kadeish is a man who lives with a woman without a Kesubah and Kidushin - who is not designated for him - like a concubine.
Sanhedrin, 54b: This is a prohibition against homosexuality.
Like the men in Egypt, who sit by the crossroads with covered faces looking like women. See Ramban, DH 'Aval Nir'eh', who elaborates.
Ramban: Who is worse than a "Kedeishah" - inasmuch as he is Chayav Kareis.
Refer to 23:18:1:2*.
Ramban: The word, which means 'prepared' or 'designated' - as in Yeshayah, 13:3 and in Tzefanyah, 1:7 - is based on (and is the opposite of) the word 'Kadosh', since someone who distances himself from immorality is called a Kadosh - See for example Vayikra, 21:7. Ramban: Refer also to Vayikra, 19:2:2:1.
What do the La'av of "Lo Yiy'heh Kedeishah" entail?
Refer to 23:18:1:1 & 2. It is a prohibition against female prostitutes practicing their trade.
Ramban #1: It is a warning to Beis-Din not to allow prostitutes to wait by the cross-roads with drums and harps (to attract the men). 1
Ramban #2 (citing Onkelos #1): It incorporates prostitutes operating from brothels or waiting quietly by the crossraods ? like Tamar.
Targum Onkelos #2: Refer to 23:18:1:2.
Ramban: As in Yeshayah, 23:16. Targum Onkelos agrees with this, only he adds slaves who are 'married' to Yisre'elim.
What are the connotations of "ve'Lo Yih'yeh Kadeish"?
Ramban: It is a warning to Beis-Din not to allow male prostitutes to wait by the cross-roads. 1
Rashbam: It is a man who has relations with a woman ? without writing her a Kesubah and without actually designating her as a concubine..
Sanhedrin, 54b: Based on the Gezeirah Shavah "Kadeish" "ve'Gam Kadeish Hayah ba'Artetz ke'Chol ha'Goyim ? ? ", in Melachim 1, 14:2:4, it entails being lain by another man (homosexuality).
Why does the Torah discuss the Kedeishah before the Kadeish?
Oznayim la'Torah: Because it is more common. 1
See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Lo Sih'yeh Kedeishah #1.
Why does the Torah add the words 'mi'Benos Yisrael" and "mi'Benei Yisrael"?
Ramban (citing the Sifri): - Refer to 23:18:1:4 & 23:18:2:1**. To teach us that the prohibition is confined to Yisrael - that Beis-Din are not obligated to prevent Nochrim 1 from promiscuity. 2
Ramban: Because Beis-Din are only obligated to prevent the Nochrim from practicing Avodah Zarah. See also Torah Temimah, note 86
Ramban: Even the male prostitutes, which are worse - Refer to 23:18:2:1***.