
Why is the lamb mentioned here and not in the Parshah of the Musafim?


Sifra: To teach us that all Tenufos are performed by a Kohen.


What are the implications of "Va'asisem be'Yom Hanifchem es ha'Omer"?


Sifra: It implies that the lamb and the Omer are not interdependent ? that one brings the lamb even if there is no Omer and vice-versa.


Why were they commanded to bring only one lamb as an Olah together with the Omer, when together with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem on Shavu'os, they were told to bring a series of Korbanos with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem, including an Olah, a Chatas and a Shelamim?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, based on the distinction between the Omer and the Sh'tei ha'Lechem ? refer to 23:11:1.1:1 and note ? whereas on Shavu'os, they attained the level of human-beings, they had become worthy of bringing all the Korbanos, on Pesach, when they were still on a sub-human level, 1 they were only able to bring a Korban Beheimah ? plus a lamb as an Olah 2 ? the lamb that they worshipped in Egypt and that they sacrificed on Erev Pesach before leaving Egypt.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


This was necessary because the Omer itself was entirely eaten by the Kohanim, and part of every Korban is always given to Hashem.

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