
Why did he say "Nafshi Yeshovev"?


Rashi: My Ru'ach, which became faint via afflictions and fleeing, returns to its former state.


Radak: My soul will rest. A good shepherd does not tire the flock or press them, rather, he conducts them gently - "bi'Zro'o Yekabetz Tela'im uv'Cheiko Yisa Alos Yenahel" (Yeshayah 40:11). Yeshovev is like "b'Shuvah va'Nachas" (Yeshayah 30:15).


Malbim: Hashem made me wayward and wild. Via this, He will guide me in Magelei Tzedek (refer to 23:3:2:3).


What are "Magelei Tzedek"?


Rashi: They are straight paths - I will not fall in the hands of my enemies.


Radak: A good shepherd does not conduct the flock on mountains, and does not pass them from mountain to mountain, and does not exert them to go from mountain to hill. Rather, he conducts them on the plain.


Malbim: Magal is a path that circles around until reaching the destination. This that I veered from the straight path to the circle was Tzedek; through this His name was sanctified.


Why did he say "Lema'an Shmo"?


Radak: I am not worthy of this.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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