What does the La'av of "Lo Sizbach Al Chametz Dam Zivchi" entail?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It is a prohibition against slaughtering the Korban Pesach on the fourteenth of Nisan before having destroyed one's Chametz. 1
Ramban: It is a prohibition of slaughtering the Korban Pesach as long as any member of the group has Chametz in his possession. 2
Rashbam and Moshav Zekenim: It is an obligation to destroy one's Chametz before midday of the fourteenth of Nisan - which is the time the Korban Pesach is due to be slaughtered. 3
Why does the Torah insert the word "Dam Zivchi" - seeing as the blood is not subject to Shechitah?
What are the connotations of "ve'Lo Yalin Cheilev Chagi ad Boker"?
Rashi, Moshav Zekenim and Targum Yonasan: It is a prohibition against leaving the Cheilev and the Emurin of the Korban Pesach off the Mizbe'ach 1 until the morning 2 (and against leaving the Basar of the Pesach uneaten - Targum Yonasan).
Pesachim, 71a: It is a prohibition against leaving the Emurim of the Chagigah of the fifteenth of Nisan off the Mizbe'ach until the morning of the sixteenth, at which point it becomes Nosar (even though the Basar may still be eaten on the sixteenth - Torah Temimah).
Mechilta: It teaches us that the Chcomesim are also subject to Linah.
Rashi: The Pasuk in Tzav, Vayikra 6:2 teaches that Linah does not apply to what is on the fire on the Mizbe'ach.
Rashi: Throughout the night one is permitted to taake the pieces from the floor on to the Mize'ach until Amud ha'Shachar - at which point whatever is not on the Mizbe'ach becomes Nosar.
How will we recocile this Pasuk - which implies that the Cheilev of the Korban may remain off te Mizbe'ach all night - with the Pasuk in Tzav Vayikra, 6:5 "Vehiktir alehah Chelvei ha'Shelamim", implying that all Korbanos of the day must be broiught after the Tamid shel Boker, and not after the Tamid shel bein ha'Arbayim?