
What is the Nimshal of drinking your sister's cup?


Malbim: You will be exiled, like her.


Why does it say "ha'Amukah veha'Rechavah"?


Malbim: The cup is deep and wide, to contain much liquid. It still has enough bitter water to give also to you to drink.


Why will others laugh and mock?


Radak: The Goyim will laugh and mock due to the great punishments that come upon you.


Malbim: Just like Shomron drank the cup three times ? it had three exiles via Sancheriv ? so Yerushalayim drank it three times. Nebuchadnetzar exiled them three times, like it says in Yeshayah (1:5) "Kol Rosh la'Chali." The first time, others will laugh. The second time, they will mock, which is more than laughing. Laughing is also not in front of the person; mocking is usually in front of him. Refer to 23:32:4:3.


What is "Marbeh Lehakil"?


Rashi: It is too great to be contained, i.e. to be borne.


Radak: The cup was great, to be able to hold much poison.


Malbim: The third time [that Yerushalayim is exiled], the mockery will be too great to be borne, for then it will be totally destroyed.

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