
What is the meaning of "ha'Elokei mi'Karov"?


Rashi: Do I see only what is close to Me, and I do not have power to judge the lower beings that are far from Me, and I do not know their deeds?!


Radak: Am I G-d that came recently, like other gods, about which it says "Chadashim mi'Karov Ba'u" (Devarim 32:17)?! Am I not from G-d from of old?! From creation of the world, people knew that I am G-d of the world! I am unlike new gods that do not see or hear. I see people's deeds, and hear their words. I hear the Nevi'im prophesizing Sheker in My name.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I am G-d who created the world

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