Why does it say "Ki Mena'afim"?
Radak: How can [the false Nevi'im] commend their deeds? The land is full of adulterers, and it will mourn due to false oaths. How can they say that evil will not befall them?! Most people stumble in these two evils. They see that most of Eretz Yisrael 1 was destroyed due to their many bad deeds!
Malbim: Yirmeyah saw via Nevu'ah their sins and their punishment.
I.e. the 10 tribes (PF).
What Alah is discussed?
Rashi: It is a false oath.
What are "Ne'os Midbar"?
Radak: It is a place where animals graze.
What is "Merutzasam"?
Rashi: Their racing [Radak - and zeal. They do not run to a Mitzvah and Avodas Hashem, rather, to evil.]
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Their desire.
Why does it say "Gevurasam Lo Chen"?
Rashi: [Their Gevurah] is not proper.
Radak: [Their Gevurah] is not for a true matter. Ken is Emes, like "Ken Bnos Tzlafchad Dovros" (Bamidbar 27:7). They should have overpowered the false Nevi'im and stopped them from telling their dreams and lies. [Instead,] they overpowered the true Nevi'im and stopped them from prophesizing in the name of Hashem, like they told Yirmeyah "do not prophesize in the name of Hashem, and you will not die in our hands" (11:21).
Malbim: They run to do evil, but they will not be able to do so (overpower) against the enemy.