
Why does it mention Chasid, Gibor and (in verse 27) Navar?


Rashi, here and Tehilim 18:26, based on Targum Yonasan: These correspond to the three Avos. 1 Hashem paid the reward for their virtue to their descendants, Midah k'Neged Midah.


Radak (26-27, Tehilim 18:26-27): With a Chasid, You are a Chasid, and do good to him more than he deserves. Gibor is like Gevar (so is the text in Tehilim 18:26), the Targum of "Ish" (Bereishis 2:24. He is pure, but not a Chasid - PF). You are pure with him.


Malbim (Tehilim 18:26): With a Chasid, You do Chesed. If one is pure or Navar 2 , so You conduct with him, according to his preparation (mindset), for good or for evil.


Avraham's primary Midah was Chesed, and Yitzchak's was Gevurah (PF). Targum Yonasan - Yakov went in front of Hashem with Berirusa (Refer to 22:27:1:3).


Refer to 22:27:1:1-3.

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