
What is the word "Kol asher bo Mum" coming to include?


Sifra: It includes passing blemishes in the prohibition of Ba'alei-Mumin. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 113.


Seeing as the Torah will forbid Shechting Ba'alei-Mumin in Pasuk 22, what are the connotations of "Lo Sakrivu" in this Pasuk?


Temurah, 7b: It is a Lav against declaring Ba'alei-Mumin Kodshei Mizbe'ach. 1


Temurah, (Ibid.): Someone who sacrices a Ba'al-Mum on the Mizbe'ach transgresses five Lavin ? Bal Takdishu, Bal Tishchatu, Bal Tizr'ku ? See Torah Temimah, note 115 - Bal Taktiru Kulo and Bal Taktiru Miktzaso. See Torah Temimah, note 116.

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