
Why does it mention the Kohanim?


Radak: First it mentions the Nevi'im, Kohanim and officers, and afterwards the commoners. Each was evil in its manner.


Malbim: They correspond to Bedil (tin). Hashem Hivdil (separated) them from the congregation of Yisrael, "va'Yibadel Aharon Lehakdisho Kodesh Kodoshim" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 23:13). There were two obligations on them. (a) To teach the Torah ? "Ki Sifsei Chohen Yishemru Da'as v'Sorah Yevakshu mi'Pihu" (Mal'achi 2:7). Also refer to 22:26:3:2.


How were they Chomes the Torah?


Rashi: They should have rebuked, taught and informed the Torah's laws. They did not do so. This is Chamas ? they stole from those who need to learn! Radak ? since they transgress the Torah, how can they warn the nation about it?!


What is the significance of dividing between Kodesh and Chol, and Tahor and Tamei?


Radak: So the Torah warned ? "u'Lehavdil Bein ha'Kodesh u'Vein ha'Chol u'Vein ha'Tamei u'Vein ha'Tahor; u'Lehoros Es Bnei Yisrael" (Vayikra 10:10-11).


Malbim: Kohanim were also obligated to guard the Mikdash and its Kodshim. They profaned them, for they did not distinguish Kodesh from Chol, and were not careful about Tum'ah and Taharah.


How did they hide their eyes from My Shabbosos?


Radak: They saw people carrying loads on Shabbos, like it says in Yirmeyah 17:21. The Kohanim should have protested; they did not.


Malbim: They did not warn people about Chilul Shabbos, which is [as severe as] the entire Torah.


What is the meaning of "va'Echal"?


Rashi: I was profaned. Radak ? this is Nif'al conjugation, like "Ki Eich Yechal" (Yeshayah 48:11). Yonason translates, My desire was profaned among them.

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