
What is the significance of "v'Chinasti"?


Radak: This is like v'Kibatzti, "Nidchei Yisrael Yechanes" (Tehilim 147:2).


Malbim: After he separates the silver and takes Bnei Galus Yechanyah out of Yerushalayim, I will enter you. Kenisah is entering something that will remain inside. The rest of the nation remained gathered in the furnace (Yerushalayim) and did not go to Bavel.


What is the significance of "v'Nafachti Aleichem b'Esh Evrasi"?


Malbim: Evrah is general anger that spreads over the entire nation; it does not distinguish between Tzadik and Rasha. The anger will not be only on the sinners; it will destroy everyone.


Also the previous verse discussed gathering Yisrael to melt them! Why is this repeated?


Radak: It is to strengthen the matter, and to add "v'Nafachti Aleichem b'Esh Evrasi."


Why does it say "v'Nitachtem b'Sochah"?


Malbim: The melting is not attributed to Hashem. You will melt by yourselves due to being in it. This is a Mashal for the destruction at the time of Galus Tzidkiyah.

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