
What is the comparison to "Kevutzas Kesef"?


Rashi: This is like a smelter gathers 1 all the Sigim into a furnace.


Malbim: I will consider as if there is also silver there. Then, the smelter supervises to blow to melt it and separate the Sigim from the silver.


Radak: Kevutzah is a noun with the grammatical form of Meluchah.


What is "Lafachas [Alav]"?


Rashi: It is to fan. Radak ? the root is Nafach, like fanning a fire. Here the Nun is omitted, like the Nun in Nigash, from Lageshes. There is a Patach [under Fei and Ches, and not a Segol] due to the Ches. This refers to the furnace; one must fan the fire on it to melt what is in it. It says "Alav", because they put the coal on it


What is "Lehantich"?


Rashi: To pour you. The Targum of "v'Yatzakta" (Shemos 25:12) is v'Satich. Radak ? the Nun is the first letter of the root.


Why does it say "v'Hinachti"?


Radak #1: I will place you in the furnace to melt you.


Radak #2: I will abandon you to the sword, hunger and plague.


Malbim: Even though I will gather in My anger to consume the Sigim, it will be with Hashgachah; I will leave and separate the silver by itself.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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