
Why does the Navi mention telling the king about fixing Bedek ha'Bayis? Does the Navi not come to tell about Yoshiyah's Teshuvah (in the coming verses)?


'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:16,18): It teaches that first he reported about the king's Shelichus; the king sent him [to strengthen Beis Hashem - verses 3-5]. Afterwards, he did Chilkiyah's Shelichus.


Malbim (8): This was part of the rebuke - you engage only in fixing the external. Primarily you must fix the internal decay of Torah!


Why did he say "ha'Kesef ha'Nimtza va'Bayis"?


Malbim (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:17): This is what was already in the Kohen Gadol's hand, from Nedarim and Nedavos given in Beis Hashem. They already melted it and gave it to the workers by themselves, before the king commanded 1 .


How could they do so without his command? Perhaps the Kohen Gadol used to authorize doing essential matters in the Mikdash without even asking the king (Yoshiyah was only eight years old when he became king - verse 1). What is Malbim's source? Perhaps he learns from "Hitichu" (as opposed to v'Yatichu; refer to Bereishis 4:1:1:1). However, in Divrei ha'Yamim it says v'Yatichu, and Malbim did not cite the text here! This requires investigation. (PF)


Here it says "Al Yedei Osei ha'Melachah." In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:10 it says "Ose ha'Melachah"!


Malbim (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:10): There it says that it was [first] given to the overseer of the overseers. Osei ha'Melachah are the craftsmen.

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