What kind of Eved is this Pasuk referring to?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It is referring to an Eved Cana'ani. 1
Divrei Eliyahu and Kol Eliyahu: Whenever the Torah writes "Eved O Amah", it refers to an Eved Cana'ani. Refer also to 21:20:1:1. An Eved Ivri is confined to an adult, and an Amah Ivriyah to a Ketznah a (and presumably the Torah would not discuss them together. However, you are forced to say that "ha'Ivri O ha'Ivriyah" (Devarim 15:12) equates them! - PF) Refer to 21:7:2:1*.
What are the implications of "ve'Chi Yakeh Ish es Ein Avdo"
Mechilta: It implies that the Eved only goes free if his master strikes his eye, but not if he blinded him by striking next to it, causing him to.go blind. 1 .
Or next to his ear, causing him to go deaf. See Torah Temimah, note 178.
What are the implications of "Veshichasah"?
Kidushin, 25b: It implies that the Eved or Shifchah only goes free if his master intended to destroy his eye 1 - to preclude where he stretched his hand into the stomach of his Shifchah and blinded her fetus 2 which he was extracting. 3
Mechilta: It implies that the Eved only goes free if his master actually made him blind, but not if he merely caused his vision to deteriorate.
Oznayim la'Torah: To teach us that, even if the eye remains intact, the Eved goes free, if he rendered it completely blind. 4
Kidushin 24b learns from "v'Shichasah" that he must intend to destroy it. R. Gamliel thought that his slave would go free because he accidentally blinded his slave's eye (Bava Kama 74b)!
Moshav Zekenim: R. Gamliel holds that he need not intend to destroy it.