Why will Hashem clap His hands?
Rashi: I told you to clap your hands ? also I will lament like you. Radak - this is a Mashal. He laments over Yerushalayim and Yisrael, for the sword is heading for them.
Malbim: I will decree that he go to Yerushalayim. Then I will clap over the decree.
Why does it say "va'Hanichosi Chamasi"?
Rashi: My anger burns in Me ? I will abandon it.
Radak: Via this, My anger will cease after I will take vengeance from them. This is like "va'Chamas ha'Melech Shachachah" (Esther 7:10).
Malbim: I will finish the anger that I have against Yisrael.
What is the significance of "Ani Hashem Dibarti"?
Radak: I can fulfill what I spoke.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will bring punishment?
Malbim: I decreed that he will choose to go to Yerushalayim ? "Yadati Hashem Ki Lo l'Adam Darko" (Yirmeyah 10:23).