Why did He mention Beis David?
Radak: David used to do Mishpat - "va'Yhi David Oseh Mishpat u'Tzedakah l'Chol Amo" (Shmuel II, 8:15). It was proper that his children do so, to learn from his good deeds.
Why does it say "Dino la'Boker Mishpat"?
Radak: In the morning, before you engage in eating and drinking and in your needs, sit in the place of judgment to judge anyone who comes to scream (claim). And so it says about Moshe "va'Yeshev Moshe Lishpot Es ha'Am
What is the meaning of "Oshek"?
Rashi: It is not a noun, for the accent is on the last syllable. Rather, it is [a verb;] the robber robbing others.
Radak: Gozel is one who grabs from another's hand, or takes from it or from his house by force. Oshek is one who has another's money, via deposit, loan, [he owes] wages or rental, and does not want to give to him. It says Gazul mi'Yad Oshek, for one who robs, he also is Oshek.
What would happen if Hashem's anger came out like fire?
Malbim: No remnant would remain of you.
Why does it say "v'Ein Mechaveh"?
Rashi: No remnant of you will escape.
Why is it written Ma'aleleihem, and we pronounce it Ma'aleleichem?
Radak: The writing (third person) refers to the hidden (who are not here); the pronunciation (second person) refers to those found here.